Phan Zone
from Extras
Where Phans leave their mark
New Jungle Sayings
Every Phan has read their fair share of Old Jungle Sayings. This is your chance to create your own!
External Links
Fansites, forums, articles and more: many are decades old, now part of Internet history.
Where Phans don the Phantom mask
The Phantom Console Game
Coming in 2025 by Art of Play. Will be available across platforms like Switch, PS, Xbox, Steam.
Mr Walker's Last Mile
Text Adventure game where you play the Phantom; meet Diana, Hero, Devil; and save the day!
Where Phans take creative control
The Phantom and the Lost Treasure of Atlantis
Fan fiction by Ronald Kowalski, Jr.
An engaging tale, where the Phantom faces an arch nemisis.
An engaging tale, where the Phantom faces an arch nemisis.
The Phantom and the Lost Soul of Mogadishu
Fan fiction by Ronald Kowalski, Jr.
An adventure that follows the 21st and the 10th Phantom in parallel.
An adventure that follows the 21st and the 10th Phantom in parallel.
Superhero Grandpa
Full-colour comic by Aman King.
Non-fiction covering the origin stories of Phans over generations.
Non-fiction covering the origin stories of Phans over generations.
Phantom Phunnies: TGIF
Full-colour comic by Aman King.
A fun-filled cartoony take on the Phantom, presented as a parody.
A fun-filled cartoony take on the Phantom, presented as a parody.
The Ghosts Who Walk
B&W comic by Aman King.
Fictional story, with Falk & Barry, about ethnic treatment in comics.
Fictional story, with Falk & Barry, about ethnic treatment in comics.