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Hey everyone, I have recently changed the donation payment processor to Stripe instead of PayPal. Stripe is a very popular and reliable choice for accepting card payments and its transaction fees are lower than PayPal, ie, Stripe takes a smaller cut of your donation amount than PayPal. Its payment form has a better interface too. Hope you continue to enjoy this website and will consider supporting towards its running costs. For some reason, if you prefer PayPal for payments, please let me know.
~ Aman (webmaster)
Here's what was happening: when a visitor was accessing a new day's strip ahead of Comics Kingdom's time zone, Comics Kingdom was returning the previous day's strip instead. This previous day image was getting cached as the new day's image and being shown from the cache even after Comics Kingdom ticked over to the new day in their time zone. To fix this, I have changed the cache configuration. As a one-off action, please clear your browser cache if you see incorrect strips. Going forward, it should mostly be fine. A repeated image may still appear temporarily based on time zone differences.
~ Aman (webmaster)
Let me have a look. I did spot that a Sunday strip was appearing in the Daily section. Comics Kingdom has been changing a few things on their side, which seem to be affecting the integration. Can be related to timezone differences and browser caching.
~ Aman (webmaster)
What is going on? Why are strips late,missing or repeated out of order both in the daily and Sunday section.
~ John from Bendigo
The technical issue should now be fixed and the Comics section should be working as normal. Let me know if there are any issues. Thanks for your patience.
~ Aman (webmaster)
There is a technical issue with the Comics section: recent comic strips are not being displayed. I'll have a look to see if this can be fixed promptly. Until this is fixed, please visit directly. Thanks for reporting the issue and your continued support.
~ Aman (webmaster)
Cannot access any of The Phantom 's stories including the modern ones. It keeps showing I have to pay Comic Kingdom, is that the way from now on or a problem with the site. The same is the same for Mandrake,
~ Walter Hutcherson from Well Ford SC
Vintage Daily & Sunday stories for The Phantom and Mandrake can now be read on this website! It's not all of the classic stories but still a nice change from the modern Phantom stories or the recycled Mandrake stories. The collection is sourced from Comics Kingdom archives, so you will need their subscription to read the stories here. If you spot any defects, please let me know. Your support keeps this website going. Enjoy!
~ Aman (webmaster)
Glad for a new adventure, couldnt take much more!
~ Dean from Wisconsin, USA
Talk about lost in space.
~ Steve
Incessant talking? Ease of creating falsehoods? Sounds like CNN/MSNBC for the last couple of years.
~ Mikey
Hi all, this Guestbook is primarily for comments about the overall website, not specific comics content. It is also nice when visitors share why they became a Phantom fan. For a discussion about the comics content itself, I have added a 🗨 link next to the strips. That link will take you to the Comments section at Comics Kingdom website. The comics come from KFS. As much as I would love to write or draw Phantom comics, the Phantom Trail website does not control the content. :)
~ Aman (webmaster)
The current daily story-line is embarrassing - especially the strips from 11/10 - 11/15.
~ Bob O
" legalised bribary" " make Bangalla great again" Who is kidding who? I agree with crane
~ Steve
… and have been reading for decades 😒
Lost this one!
And you won't be able to change the story anyway. ,🤠
~ Stephan
Great story. I'm sure you won't loose many readers.
~ Stephan
Donald trump has won the white house. Take on the chin and stop turning our action hero into a political statement!! The ghost who walks, Mr Walker and the phantom have NEVER been a political forum. Change the story or you are about to loose a lot of readers and phantom followers. Get it?
~ Peter crane from Australia
love it
~ steve from australia
Let me clarify -- all the romance adventures where a Phantom finds a bride. Otherwise, that would be a crowded family tree with EVERY story.
~ Elizabeth Stinson from Woodruff, SC
Now we'll find out that Phantom #2 brought home to Skull Cave the lovely Princess of the Songhai and she's an ancestress of #21. Is there a family tree of all the Phantoms and their brides and offspring? And all the adventures we can find them in?
~ Elizabeth Stinson from Woodruff
What a clever way to explain the secret entrance without having the Phantom get all techno-wordy! I do like the Lee Falk character! He's a dedicated writer, always figuring out the plot points.
~ Elizabeth Stinson from Woodruff, SC
That robot is going to end up looking real stupid soon with a skull mark on it.
~ Wayne
The story reminds me of Godzilla movies. The people of Hong Kong or whatever major city would run away from Godzilla, and he'd outrun and kill them. They should have circled around, gotten behind him, and safely away. Phantom needs to get behind and on top of the robot, then put some bullets in its works.
~ Elizabeth N. Stinson from Woodruff, SC
Three rival billionaires (Mollusk, Cueball, and Branflake), but I think the Phantom is wealthier than all of them, maybe put together. He's never paid inheritance tax since he has never died (lol). He has no property tax because the tribes own the land, including the gold beach and jade hut. And the hidden valley, I suppose. But what about the greater and lesser treasure rooms? All the volumes of history would make best-selling novels, movies, and maybe comic books! He has a vehicle that he'd have to have registered and licensed, so the tax people would learn about him. Does Diana pay taxes on her job via P.O.Box 7, Mawitaan? How do the Walkers keep it all secret?
~ Elizabeth N. Stinson from Woodruff, SC
I thought the mortar might have some kind of gas in it, but a robot on the Moon wouldn't need that??
~ Elizabeth N. Stinson from Woodruff, SC
Sure hope Devil survives that robot shooting at him and the Phantom! Does Devil have a family and descendants, like the Phantom does?
~ Elizabeth N. Stinson from Woodruff, SC
It looks to me like the device was programmed to carve out a place on the Moon to build a city, maybe, for humans to go live there. It's making a mess of the jungle.
~ Elizabeth N. Stinson from Woodruff, SC
in today's Sunday strip, Col worobu seems to be renedered a postman . Lets see what we have in store.
~ Rajesh Seth from India
This latest Phantom story is really funny.
~ Jan W from Tewantin Qld Australia
Wouldn't the Moon be the other way around this time of night (wee hours)? Diana's bow always points its arrow at her brother, Apollo, the Sun, so the Sun would be above the horizon here. And a crescent Moon is close to the Sun. That's just a mnemonic I use to remember. Are the Sunday and daily stories going to meet up? The Phantom and Prince Valiant are my two favorite stories.
~ Elizabeth N. Stinson from Woodruff, SC
Nice to see Mike Manley back on the artwork. He has been having some serious health issues that prevented him from doing the Phantom for several months. He also does the artwork for the Judge Parker series, but was able to keep it up (with a occasional single strip fill in) during his health issues. "Cut and paste" also helped during this time. Judge Parker tends to be mostly "talking heads" and not as detailed as his excellence work on Phantom. Brett Belvin, who did the last story, is an assistant and inker for Manley and long time associate. He had to step in and take the full load for Manley during his illness. His work on the strip improved over his time on it.
~ DeW Coons from Central NOrth Carolina
Someone had fun with the names in the new adventure! Gradiose, Avarice, Ian Mollusk! Does the ship land in the Deep Woods?
~ Elizabeth N. Stinson from Woodruff
I'm so glad that Kit 22 is talking about The Dream with his dad. It's like a deep dark secret is about to be solved. Will he go back to India and the girl he likes, or maybe find Savarna? Stay tuned!
~ Elizabeth N. Stinson from Woodruff, SC
Thanks for providing this content. Really hard to find anything over here.
~ Luke from UK
Sorry to have to say this but the artwork of the daily strip is simply terrible and not up to the standard of previous stories and I would prefer to see the Sunday edition strip artist take over the daily strip as well. the daily strip faces do not look natural and the figures lack realistic proportions. The daily strip is not the Phantom strip of old
~ John from Bendigo, Australia
Glad this story seems to be going for tomb looters, maybe in an ancient city, and not about poachers, who should all be eaten by hungry beasts.
~ Elizabeth Stinson from Woodruff
I’ve been following phantom for as long as I can remember and I’m in my 80s so that should tell you how long. The new cartoonist for the daily phantom comics I find a little disturbing. The characters don’t even look like they are the same characters but that’s just my humble opinion. I will continue to enjoy seven days of the phantom of Cours but I do miss the old familiar faces.
~ Violet from Massachusetts
I like this site. I concur with the comment of paul from Brisbane.
~ Tom Wakelyn from Virginia
I have been reading these comics for 24 years and I can't get enough.
~ Nathan from Shivers
Just want to say I admire the true courage of the creators of The Phantom for not bowing to Chinese censorship. If you read Chapter 9 of Peter Schweizer's new book "Blood Money," you'll see how they shape American movie culture by not mentioning Tibetans (the Mountain City) or having dark-skinned characters. Also, the Phantom hates fascism. Thank you.
~ Elizabeth Stinson from Woodruff, SC
Whew, Thanks.
~ Rajesh Seth from india
I am still recovering from the shock of missing the Phantom strip for the past few days, after reading it every day for the past few years. Thank you so much.
~ Paul from Brisbane
Looks good, Aman -- thank you so much for fixing this!
~ Cathy R. from PA, USA
The Comics section of The Phantom Trail should be working correctly again. Please check and let me know if you find any issues. Thanks!
~ Aman (webmaster)
Weekday comic has been running backwards for several days. Also showing as Sunday comic.
~ F Reader
I like the storyline
~ Joseph Dineen from Bolton
I like the storyline
~ Joseph Dineen from Bolton
Have paid subscription and enjoyed the Phantom for many years
~ Hank van der Wijngaart from Adelaide
Been reading the Phantom since the late fifties. Named my first dog Devil. She wasn’t a wolf, but a Doberman Pinscher. Found this website when the local newspaper discontinued the Phantom. That could have been 20 years ago. Aman, hope you figure out a solution to your problem.
~ Vince Binder from Indiana
Hey everyone, ComicsKingdom has made some drastric changes to their website after several years. Those changes seem to have impacted certain integrations that Phantom Trail relies upon. I'll look into this and try my best to get things working again on Phantom Trail website. Until then please visit the original source of comic strips directly:
~ Aman (webmaster)
We are in March. The 2nd why are we still reading feb. strips
~ Mark from Westerville, Ohio
Dear Phantomtrail, I follow Your site since years, but I don't read daily but always all strips of the week at weekend. So I'm shocked when I noticed now, that the strips are not available for one week anymore but only for one day 😢 It's a pity (after years I missed five dailies... 😭)
~ Thor Rasmussen from Kiel
Telling the story backward with previously shown strips. Bah.
~ Richard
Leap Day bug?
~ Cathy R. from PA, USA
Phantom phan since I could read. Can't find another way to access these comics.
~ Peter from Qld Australia
Why 26-27 not visble
~ rajesh seth from india
I have read The Phantom for 70 years and enjoyed until this "new artist" started drawing ridiculous faces and figures. With all due respect to the current artist"s talents, please go elsewhere and return the strip to DECENT illustrations. I would even tolerate AI generated art over these elementary illustrations. TERRIBLE.
~ George Gris from Alabama
Looks lie it Jr is going to relate an event that was part of a training/testing journey that the Phantom too e the twins on. It started on Jan 16 2006 and is considered to be Daily strip 216, called "The Challenge" in some listing or "The Jungle Trek" in other listing. In it the twins are lead to believe that they are on their own and face difference dangers and challenges. Though they are actually guarded by their dad and several warriors. The Phantom sums up their adventure to Diana by saying "Kit and Heloise hanging off sheer cliffs? Swept away on wild rivers? Chased by lions? What's to tell?" The story is available through the archive here on the Phantom Trail site or by going to Comic Kingdom and reading it from there. (The Phantom Trail archive is just a link to the Comic Kingdom Archive,) It is a fun, light hearted story about "family" and does tie into the idea of "patience" and keeping your wits and using your head. Worth the time to go and read the original. Story by Tony DePaul with art by Paul Ryan.
~ Dew Coons from Central North Carolina
This week, sunday - Lee Falks is wondering 'Hmm, So New techniques are wandering into my Protege's head !!"
~ Rajesh Seth from India
Maybe the Phantom thought that mysterious being had crept into the Skull Cave again. Except Devil slept on, unalarmed.
~ Elizabeth Stinson from Woodruff, SC
The first Phantom strip was published in February of 1936. Lee Falk did the art on the first story. Falk would continue to write the strip until his death in January of 1999. Two more daily stories and three Sunday stores that he had completed would be printed after his death. He authored a total of 151 Sunday stories and 195 daily stories. Falk had created the Mandrake the Magician strip two years earlier and also wrote in until his death.
~ Dew Coons from Central North Carolina
Are those Bandar sitting around the campfire? Get your poisoned arrows ready!
~ Elizabeth Stinson from Woodruff, SC
Thank you, DeW Coons, for the good information. How wonderful to have the whole collection! When did the Phantom, the first costumed superhero, appear in newspapers? After the artwork on the previous storyline, the current art takes getting used to, but I wish I could draw as well! I'd put my stories into comicbook form. Latest strips remind me of "Conan the Barbarian" turning a wheel and getting big muscles that served him well later in the movie.
~ Elizabeth Stinson from Woodruff, SC
I had to laugh when the disgruntled Phantom slouches on his throne and says "This is a long story..."
~ Elizabeth Stinson from Woodruff, SC
I really do not the recent comic strips Art. The huge grins just make me winch
~ Alexius Nemo from Milwaukee
Elizabeth ask on Jan 24th about the art for the Ichang era of the Wonder Woman comics. Those begin in November of 1968 in Wonder Woman 179 and lasted until 1973 (issue #204). Mike Sekowsky was the artist on the original issues. Denny O'Neil the original writer. He continued to draw Wonder Woman until 1971 and issue 197. Mike is best known for his work on Justice League beginning with the tryout issues in Showcase comics, drawing 61 of the first 63 issues of JLA. He also had a lengthy career doing romance comics in the 50s and early 60s before the return of superheroes to comics. He also did several the "humorous" series for DC including Inferior Five, Angel and Ape, and Captain Carrott. He passed away in 1989 age 65 Bret Belvins was born in 1960, he would have only been 7 then the new WW appeared. So he was not the artist. But their faces are similiar in that both artiest tend to draw oversize smiling faces. While he has done work for DC (mostly for Batman), there are no issues of Wonder Woman listed in his credits.
~ Dew Coons from central
The current story is a retelling of a story that appeared in the Sunday Phantom comics in 1953. Also called "The Chan." McCoy did the original art - and of course Faulk the script. It is normally numbers as "S(unday)034". I have a complete collection of the Phantom strips - daily and Sundays - and no matter how much I search I have not yet found the one were they got sprayed with the Joker's Laughing gas so that they have a permanent smile fixed on their faces. Hopefully with DePaul will give us the full up were they get cured before the non stopping grinning drives away all the readers. In order to include them in my collection I have had to go into my graphic editor and wipe out the enormous grins on their faces. It at least makes the rest of the art "tolerable" (but still not good.)
~ DeW Coons from Central North Carolina
Old story, believe it was in a GOLD KEY comic book. I want know if the last story was real are a dream? It went on long enought.
~ Walter Hutcherson from Wellford SC
I think the prince is about to get four scars on his face. Phantoms don't pick wimpy women.
~ Elizabeth Stinson from Woodruff, SC
I paid a small donation by PayPal today, but I still get the 'donate' request instead of the daily Phantom option. What should I do?
~ Glen from Adelaide Australia
~ Rajesh Seth from India
Hi, The new Phantom sketches dont meaure up tp any standard ! Please do something
~ Rajesh Seth from India
The new art is not very good. It looks like a child is drawing the characters and the depth I have enjoyed is gone. Not a fan!
~ Doug McKenzie from Dallas, TX
Sorry, I forgot to ask in previous comment: Did the current artist ever draw Wonder Woman for DC Comics? Diana reminds me of the Wonder Woman story with I Ching. Thanks again.
~ Elizabeth Stinson from Woodruff, SC
Back in the early 1960s, I had the opportunity to look through old bound newspapers in a university library, and I especially enjoyed checking the daily Phantom stories. I could almost swear I saw a chain on the skull throne such as is being described now. Diana's change in appearance goes back to those old strips. Is #21 being haunted in his dreams by an ancestor? Perhaps one whose story hasn't been told yet, since he doesn't remember reading about it? Who was chained? Thank you.
~ Elizabeth Stinson from Woodruff, SC
Not sure what's going on in "the Chain" maybe another dream story, but have never see so many teeth, in one frame Phantom looks evil
~ John Martin from Queensland
The new artist draws Diana like she is a teenager- don’t like it.
~ Bill Ridout from Waynesburg PA
illustration of "The Chain' sucks"
~ Sudipta from Kolkata
Not a fan of the new artist
~ Doug dobe from Buffalo ny
I am not pleased with the artwork, especially the faces drawn in "The Chain."
~ Jim Hoey from Florida
That was one amazing story !!!!
~ Bob
Love this site. It so easy and reliable. I discovered Phantom in the 1950's when I was a kid and have been a fan ever since. I always checked out all the comics when I got my hands on the papers; Sundays were the best! I was really annoyed when the newspapers withdrew all the beloved comics from publication and WITHOUT EXPLANATION! Such a petty thing to do!
~ Chris from Brisbane, Australia.
Phantom become my ideal!
~ Sudipta from Kolkata
There can never be any line except the Walker line, unless The Phantom dies without a son. The line follows the father name not the mother. If followed the mothers it would have had over twenty different names for the lines. That is why it it is four hundred years old Walker line. Come on writers get it right. If Diana and her kids left The Phantom then he would have to figure out how to keep the line going.
~ Walter Hutcherson from Wellford
Read Phantom. & Mandrake comics daily... they're great.
~ John from Virginia
my morning schedule includes opening this page..nice work, thanks
~ Partha Chakraborti from Kolkata ,India
Just love your website. Keep up the good work!
~ Lee from Seattle, WA
Love the Phantom comics
~ Merv Lilburne from Victoria
I've always loved reading the Phantom comics in the papers. However, so many news outlets are no longer running the comics. I'd love to see just what this web site has to offer.
~ Merv Lilburne from Victoria
When I first began reading comic strips about 'The Phantom' I was in the 6th grade. To be honest I was amazed that a man could belong to a family like this! The Phantom line started with the sole survivor of a ship that was attacked by Pirates, back in the late 1400's. He was saved by a group of Pygmies who nursed him back to health until one day, he found a dead Pirate on the beach who was wearing his fathers clothes. After he had cleaned the skull of the dead Pirate down to bone, he swore the First "Oath of the Skull" then each first born son of a 'Phantom' would return to the Skull cave to bury his father, put on the Phantom suit, swear the 'Oath of the Skull' then return to the main cave where the pygmy bandar would say in unison "The Phantom is dead, Long Live the Phantom!"
~ George Cassimus III from TX
Always one of my staple joys of the day ! Stellar ethical , moral , honorable , wise , diligent , considerate , thoughtfull , insightfull , mindfull , respectfull conduct by Kit Walker ! Better to live by these standards than to be victim of anything less
~ Steven Costa Duff-Tytler from Adelaide
Good job I am reading regularly...the CK site has too many tech glitches and no one seems to be bothered
~ Amir Bashir from Delhi
This is the first Wayne that commented. Thanks again for the timezone change. All is well and looking forward to visiting your site for a long time. Thanks
~ Wayne from Ohio
For detailed feedback, please send an email to webmaster (at) phantomtrail (dot) com and as always I will do my best to address what I can. Some visitors had helped with early access feedback for the redesign, and I appreciate the inputs received during that phase. As mentioned on Facebook, the redesign was needed to update the web technologies used (so that the website can run for more years to come) and also to address the reading experience of the growing number of visitors using mobile phones and tablets. Thanks to everyone for your continued encouragement and interest!
~ Aman King (webmaster)
Your redesign doesn’t make things easier to work with the website. What was wrong with the old design?
~ Wayne
Following for years
~ Shane from Sydney Australia
I have found a way to work with the timezones, and made a change such that even Australian visitors will now be happier than before. The new strips should start appearing based on Australian timezone. Let me know if you discover any issues.
~ Aman King (webmaster)
On the topic of Comics Kingdom, I also want to clarify that visitors should prefer going to website whenever they can. The Phantom Trail is only meant to be a complementary view for those who prefer a comic book style interface for reading adventure strips instead of a single strip at a time. Additionally, for those with a Comics Kingdom subscription, the story based navigation of The Phantom Trail is quite unique, for enjoying past stories.
~ Aman King (webmaster)
Thanks to everyone who is sharing feedback about the timezone difference. It's a very helpful signal, so am not looking at it as criticism at all. I'm glad to know that it was one of the value proposition for the website, even though an unintended feature on my part. Timezones are one of the most difficult things in software. I'll need some time to look at what options might exist. I have already put this on top of my backlog.
~ Aman King (webmaster)
This isn't criticism, and we sincerely wish you the best. Unfortunately, it is not convenient. Whether you realized it or not, seeing the Phantom comic early was probably the main reason a lot of us came to this page. If that is not going to happen anymore, I hope it doesn't diminish the traffic on your site. Again, this isn't criticism or an attack, but this is a big deal for a lot of us. I am not saying I would not visit this page anymore out of spite, I don't mean it that way, only that the reason for doing so is no longer available, so I will just read the regular comic sites instead first thing in the morning.
~ Wayne from Ohio
If you have noticed a timezone difference for a new strip to appear, that's because the Phantom Trail now displays the strips as and when they appear on Comics Kingdom at page. Hope it's not too inconvenient, but yes, will need some getting used to. Comics Kingdom website runs on Eastern Time based on their FAQ page.
~ Aman King (webmaster)
read it every day
~ shane coster from australia
Agree with Wayne’s comment. Long time supporter and I’ve have really enjoyed reading tomorrow’s Phantom at 8p the night before.
~ Mark Singleton from Atlanta
Hi, really enjoy this site. With the old format, I used to see the next days comic appear around 7-8 PM EST in the US on the day before. I really enjoyed seeing the latest comic so early. With the new format, this doesn't seem to happen anymore. Is this something that will no longer happen. The Phantom and Prince Valiant ( I know PV doesnt appear here), are the best comics out there, in a class all by themselves. Thanks again though for this site. Please bring back the feature that updated the next day early if possible.
~ Wayne from Ohio
Thanks for this... A Phan since 1965 ...
~ John Dalla-Zuanna from Vic Australia
Fills the gap now that my local paper doesn’t do comics anymore
~ Michael
Love this cartoon from age 7
~ Yveteau Belizaire from Hyde park Ma
Thank you to all my visitors for the encouragement I have been receiving about this new look! That makes me feel that my labour-of-love has been worthwhile. I'm still learning about PayPal Donate option. It seems to work across many countries but not from some countries. I will look for alternatives for such cases. Some of you might remember Gumroad, where I hosted my pay-what-you-like, fan-created digital comics. Gumroad has hiked their transaction fees, so I get less of what you give. I suppose the economy is hitting everyone hard. I hope the economic situation gets back under control soon. I'm simply glad that I can keep this website running with your support!
~ Aman King (webmaster)
PAYPAL said: "Donations to this recipient aren't supported in this country" Sorry.
~ Dullatip from Ternate
Have been reading the Phantom comic strip for over sixty years. Always looked forward to seeing the daily strip
~ William from USA
I have been reading the Phantom and Mandrake comics for 30 years
~ Nathan Shivers, Sr. from OH
I like the new comic page display. I no longer have to zoom in on the comics! Thank you!
~ Jim Hoey from Palmetto FL
Been reading and collecting from the past 25 years.
~ Soram Suraj from Imphal, Manipur, India
Have been reading the Phantom since I learned to read. Young people like the skull Punisher logo.I tell them it’s a new take on the Phantom Skull Ring
~ Robert Horst from Birdsboro Pennsylvania
Sunda story is good.
~ Rajesh Seth from India
Do not know what the problem is. He has tried to rescue her and she is suicidal,leave her to her suicide,all he is doing is supporting someone who wants to fight and not escape. Leave her do not risk your friends.
~ Walter Hutcherson from Wellford SC USA
I was 20 when I started reading this storyline, I’m now sixty four!
~ Kerry Smith from Tas
Every next level of your life, will demand a different you. Good morning and WISHING YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR. 🌹🙏🏼🌹
~ Rajesh Seth from India
Thanks for keeping “The Phantom” online . My local newspaper deleted it. It’s a very special comic strip. I am a mature, sane, upscale educated professional. I appreciate the phantom. And your efforts.
~ Dr Anthony DeNavarra from Tampa Bay Florida
I found this site a couple of years ago and I really enjoy keeping up with the action after 10 am Queensland time every day.
~ Jan W from Queensland, Australia
wonderful story line
~ ramji from usa
The drawing of daily Phantom and of sunday Phantoms are different. but its fine. The only thing isssue is the diffent dress of the different phantoms, that becomes boring. It is the present type of Phantom that we are interested in.
~ Rajesh Seth from India
Have followed the Phantom for many years.
~ Ed from Massachusetts
Love this website
~ Damage
TheOneThatisBlazing, thanks for suggesting Replit, looks promising. I tried it out along with some other free alternatives. Turns out most don't support the old versions of the tech used in this age-old website, and also have resource limitations in their free tier. I suppose it's like trying to play VHS tapes in an era of digital video streaming; only a few places have VHS players for rent. :) That said, Heroku has launched a low-cost pricing tier, so that'll help if the usage is within limits. Cheers!
~ Aman (webmaster)
I follow the Phantom religiously thanks to this website. Please keep it going
~ Pedro from Tasmania
You could probably use replit which is free
~ TheOneThatisBlazing
How much do you need each month to keep the website alive? How much extra to give you the resources to fix the Mandrake page so that the bottom of each strip is not cut off?
~ Anonymous
Thanks, everyone, for the support that has been coming in. Heroku will bill based on actual website usage, so I will know better from Dec end onwards (similar to energy or gas bills, I suppose). Currently I anticipate it to be around USD 20 per month but it can be less or more. This will essentially be the running cost for the website infrastructure. I don't need any payment to fix issues that visitors notice on this website. I will happily make time to fix those issues when I can, especially on Comic Strips section. Feel free to email me to get my quick attention. I do check the Guestbook as well now and then. It does look like the edge issue of the Mandrake comics has gotten worse. I will try to make a fix soon. Thanks for bringing it up. Not many Mandrake fans among the "Phans" who visit, so I am glad there are folks who enjoy that strip too.
~ Aman (webmaster)
I am very pleased to see the phantomtrail site. I have been a phantom reader daily for many decades. I was very sad when the Adelaide Advertiser and Sunday Mail stopped printing the comics. I was delighted to discover your site. I have made a small donation and may add to it, even though I am retired with a limited income.
~ Glen Thompson
When did anyone become a match for The Phantom. I never read that comment brfore. Now I know there is something wrong with the team writing The Phantom.
~ Walter from United States
I have enjoyed THE PHANTOM since I first started reading and I am 84. How can I help keep it going?
Love this website. I have been reading The Phantom for over 60 years. This website for at least 15 - 20 years; I can't recall when it was started.
~ Jim Hoey from Florida
Hi, Phantom is on one hell of a long, and studious and serious trail.
~ Rajesh Seth from India
I liked the reference to fascism not being good for any country. Too much of it going on in USA.
~ Elizabeth N. Stinson from South Carolina
I hope nothing happens to Devil in the break-out. I'd like to see Diana use her UN clout and a couple of large gems from the cave to buy Savarna's freedom without any shooting.
~ Elizabeth N. Stinson from South Carolina
Love the Phantom strip. A bit confused over the recent timelines and what’s real and what’s not. Our newspaper recently removed all comic strips so this is a lifesaver.
~ Geoff from Melbourne Australia
glad I found this.....welcome respite from the current daily strip
~ Larry from NY USA
love this website since the daily papers seem to have ditched all phantom news. thank you! phantom must continue
~ lesley from melbourne australia
I was very disappointed when the south aust advertiser cut the comic strips and especially with the phantom mid story
~ Bruce Norman from Kingston se
Like the idea to see Phantom comics continued- really disappointed tele and others cut the comic strips
~ Jeff from Canberra
Love the Phantom and was unhappy when they ceased all Comics including the phantom from the daily news paper
~ Ken from Australia
Ghost who walks - man who cannot die
~ Peter from canberra
Why did Moss vilify Sarvana ? Her vengeance was just. Plus if Moss was so reliable the Phantom wouldn't have dissed him. Offing the Phantom sucks.
~ Thomas from Danville, PA
Been a phan for over 60 years and now I'm panicking that my local newspaper had last week pulled it from printing it daily.
~ Christelle from Australia
I have been a reader of the phantom for about 70 years to be honest the only reason that I buy the daily newspaper is for the phantom strip I can’t understand the thoughts of the owners to remove all the comic strips from thier papers in this crazy world it was just a piece of escapism to look forward to.
~ Raymond F Wellam from Geelong Australia
love phantom
~ Khat from USA
Love the Phantom!!
~ Peter from Australia
please add Regal Comics and Shakti Comics to your list of Indian comics of Phantom.
~ Rajesh Seth from India
What a rubbish storyline His wife and kids leaving him?Utter garbage!
~ Richard from Tas
Is it all a dream again? or is it the end of the line predicted by Mos?
~ Captain Pedro from Tasmania
killing off the Phantom????--you've lost a really long time reader
~ Richard from Maine
Killing the Phantom....I'm pretty sure Stan Lee would never do that to Spiderman.
~ Tom from Danville, PA
Great. Love to see more!
~ Walter McClellan from Australia
First saw the Phantom in a magazine strip in about 1944. This was before I could read!
~ Walter McClellan from Australia
Thanks for the Phantom Daily It is as great as was my childhood.
~ Sudipta Nag from Kolkata, India
I think the current time line is a set up to end the strip. The current Phantom dies and neither Kit or Heeloiser take over.
~ Tom
The Phantom means so much to me and it was so cool to stumble across this little community!
~ Mattpool from Upstate NY
When Comics Kingdom stopped updating episodes, I searched the internet. Happy to find your website, so that I can continue to read The Phantom daily. Eric Petras, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada.
~ Eric Petras from Canada
Not a complete archive but a company doing reprints of a large number of Phantom newspaper comics and comic books. The name is Hermes Press.
~ Walter Hutcherson from Wellford SC USA
wish there was a complete archive of all phantom comic worldwide. any interest in a phantom hall of fame?
~ fred brodeur III from feeding hills,mass usa
Life long Phantom fan - only comic I have read since my teen years. The world needs a few more role models like GWW.
~ Mark Singleton from Atlanta GA USA
As much as I and other love the 21st Phantom, the strip must either lock itself in time and not let anyone age, or you must allow a 22nd Phantom to exist. You may allow the current to retire and keep him alive. At least ne Phantom knew his grandfather, so why not the 21st become a doting grandfather.
~ Walter Hutcherson from United States
Excellent Site
~ Ravindra Kelkar from India
Webmaster here. For those trying to access Full View of comic strips, to proceed, please manually remove "" prefix from any link that has it. Sorry for the inconvenience. I will look at a proper fix when I can. Thanks for continuing to use this website.
~ Aman
I can no longer reach the Full View page and the comments that follow.
~ Chester
I am tired of your continuous attempts to kill the Phantom off and insinuate that his son Kit is waiting in the wings to take over. That story line is as overdone and uninteresting as the Lone Ranger, vigilante form of justice he represents. Hire some new writers!!
~ Jay
Reader of Phantom for almost 75 years
~ Cary Bond Sr
Love this comic!
~ Allison from Maine
never miss a day...
~ George M. Carpenter from United States
The Phantom is my favorite newspaper comic strip. I began reading the Sunday strip about year 1953, that being because the daily strip wasn't published in my newspaper. I don't know why The Phantom is so appealing to me. Maybe because of his lack of super power, the implied possibility of death in each adventure, the honor of multiple generations of men who keep the original pledge of the first Phantom (whose pledge could never be enforced by him), the ability of a legend--the man who cannot die--to sway imagination of the jungle folk, and the complicity of the Bandar who know that there is no Ghost Who Walks but maintains the legend because they perceive that good arises from it.
~ Robert L. Carroll from Vienna, Virginia USA
The Phantom is among a long list of favorite newspaper comics.I really miss having a decent comics section in the Sunday paper.
~ Bart Fong from United States
Is The 21st Phantom dead? Is it Kit or Heloise who takes over? Do they find out how he dies? Another story?
~ Walter Hutcherson from Wellford SC
Is Moz right? Bet The Phantom has been wounded, maybe fatally.
~ Walter A Hutcherson from Wellford SC
Hi. Is there a difference between comic strip and comic books piblished.
~ Siddharth from India
Hi, four months now after covid and 14 days of icu, n am still reeling under its side effects.
~ Rajesh Seth from India
Hi, I had my vax jab yesterday.
~ Rajesh Seth from India
hi Phantom in war mode !
~ Rajesh Seth from India
Hi Phantom needs some new outfit as per modern times. but his basics must remain the same.
~ Rajesh Seth from India
Hi. After a long time. was involved with corona.
~ Rajesh Seth from india
Reading Sunday story, looking at the 3rd Phantom, makes me wish we could have stories showing the 1st thru the 20th. If for no other reason but see how they changed costumes and the way they approached problems over the centuries.
~ Walter A Hutcherson from Wellford SC
Enjoy reading the Phantom each day. A longtime favorite.
~ Casper Wepener from Gauteng South Africa
Amen to that. Part of the problem is people do not read like they use to. Also the Phantom, while a hero, is not like what the superhero movies are showing now. The last movie, while okay, did not stick to the real meaning of the Phantom. To me the real story is a family of heros who follow their ancestors for justice. Something not found a lot in our world today.
~ Walter A Hutcherson from Wellford SC
A good service for fans of the Phantom and for Mandrake. Thank you. I have always loved reading the Phantom newspaper strips since about 1950. Looking at the comments in the Guestbook, so many commenters are old (in years) like me. Where are the young readers? I hope that the 400-year saga doesn't end when the old fans die out.
~ Roofrabbit from Vienna, Virginia
Enjoy reading the Phantom each day. A longtime favorite.
~ Charles from Georgia, USA
A great surprise
~ Val from Wollongong Australia
Been reading “the Phantom” for over 60 years. Had times hard to find, but I find comic books to read all over world, but “the Phantom Trail” to be best source of very good Phantom comics.
~ Ed Hetherington from Ithaca, NY. USA
This Lucha Libre series has been one of the best story lines ever. Well Done! Very well done!
Lee Falk and Wilson McCoy must be turning in their graves. Am 76 years of age, and "The Phantom" has been my favorite all of these years. Was actually read to me before I could read. Story lines seem to be suffering.
~ Walter J. Trybulski from Chicopee, MA
I have been a fan of the Phantom since I was a kid in the early 60s. It is great to be reading them still
~ Lee Thomas from Seattle, WA
Excellent!!! Been following the Phantom for 0ver 60 years!!!
~ Danny Clark from Paris, TN, USA
I have been reading some Indrajal from the early 1960's.They are great,not only good stories of The Phantom, but other stories are not only good but very educational. I just want to keep on reading all of them. Hope I can find some more of them.
~ Walter A Hutcherson from United States
Growing up in the 50s and 60s I never knew there was a daily Phantom strip. None of the news outlets carried the daily; however, I was fortunate to find a few that did so on Sunday's and followed the Sunday strips for over two decades. It was only in the 90s that I discovered the daily strips on line, but finding a source [my regular is the Seattle PI now] was catch as catch can. I now walk the Phantom Trail as it has not failed me in the continuity of storyline for the months I have been tracking on it.
~ Roger R Bedford from Manchester, NJ, USA
I, so much, enjoy the stories of The Phantom. He has been my favorite "Super Hero" character since early childhood. I appreciate your efforts to keep the character alive. I read them every day
~ Michael Bard from Michigan
My father was a fan of The Phantom comic strip since he was a child and so I also became a fan. Sadly, when I moved from my home town the newspaper in my new hometown didn't carry the strip, so I went almost 15 years without The Phantom Comic strip in my life. When I discovered your website I was happy to see that there was a fan of The Phantom and that his website was devoted to the daily as well as Sunday versions. I will be an ardent fan of this site as long as it is available. Thanks again!
~ Demetri Cassimus from Dallas Texas
A Phan for 50 years
~ Andy from Oz
Thanks for access.
~ Joseph from NY USA
Been a fan since the late 50s and really appreciate the effort you are putting into this site. Thank you.
~ Ed from Florida’s
I have tried to read all the comic books in the US about The Phantom. Most are pretty good, others are great, and a few take a direction which I wish they did not. I love the 21st Phantom but it is time his son took his place. For a hero who is really mortal, with no restart of the time line, it is time for the legend to move on to the next step. Another thing, too many people in the outer world knows the truth about him. This should not be, only his family and the Bandar should know the truth. No others! We need the legend. Sure people are not stupid, they know in their mind that no one lives 400 hundred years, but we still believe in things we know cannot be true. But if over the centuries hundred if not thousands of people have seen The Phantom and passed these sightings down to their friends and relatives and he is seen looking the same 50 or 80 years later then they and others begin to believe.
~ Walter A Hutcherson from United States
Mr. King, I wont say that I enjoy the phontom for the past 60 some odd years. But I see that people Haven't notice that He's at least 101yrs old. I wonder where did he find the Fountain of Youth? The Kit in the Hemalaia should bve around 45 and there should be another Kit sent off to where he is. The Phantom now is the 21th and Kit is the 22 and there should be another to be the 23rd. So why have there been an Genaration miss. I wish I couls look that good even at my age. (73) Why did Lee before he died not have Kit be the 21 byfore now? Kit and his sister should be in there's 40's and not in there 20's. I hope you can shead a little light on the story. Plees do drop me a E-Mail and tell me what is going on. Bruce Brock in Gardendale,AL USA.
~ Bruce Brock from United States
I see and reading a lot of story from phantom but last 20 years I only see a movie bill Jane and katherine zeta John and some comic in the internet and a other movie when the 22 phantom die from cancer
~ Silvino Teixeira from United Kingdom
I like the phantom
~ Bill Ferguson from Australia
Followed the Phantom for 50 years
~ Bill Ferguson from Australia
A note from the webmaster: The Phantom Trail website is currently facing a technical issue and is not loading comic strips correctly. I will try to look into the problem soon, when I can find the time. Until then please enjoy the comics directly at Thanks for your continued support!
~ Aman King
The issue is now resolved. You may use the Phantom Trail again:
~ Aman King
I am looking for a particular Sunday panel from the early 1990s, in which the Phantom is an arena and forced to fight man-eating lions or tigers. I was hoping to find it in the archive.
~ Scott from Los Angeles
I still love this story. I have been a fan for about 60yrs and wish I had a lot of the comic book from your coutry. I do't know if Lee Falk every notice but,when Stan Lee started the Silver Suffer he used the same body and fram as the Phamton. If you can get Disney then look and you'll find the Silver Suffer. It's a cartoon but just notice that the Body stail id that of the Phantom,Other then his body beening white it's look like the Phantom and his eyes also. The only thing diffrent is the color of the close. I know it will be a long time befour I hear from you. But please let me know what you thank.
~ Bruce Brock from United States
I have been reading the Phantom since I was about 8 and I credit it in teaching me how to read. 65 years later I am still a Phantom devotee
~ Roger Mika from Australia
My local paper is now finished, and I miss the Phantom.
~ Andy Brelsford from Australia
Our local paper has combined Sat. SUN. PAPER into one. This is like skipping a chapter in a book.
~ Jerry Blososky
I have been reading the Phantom since I was a kid loved it then love it now
~ Bill Richards from Adelaide sth Australia
If the daily is right we may be seeing the coming of the 22nd Phantom. Wonder how it will be handled, death or retirement?
~ Walter from Wellford SC
Hi. Back after one month absence due to family exigency.
~ Rajesh Seth from India
I enjoy these Phantom comics very much. Thank you for maintaining this site.
~ David Jeffcoat from Florida - USA
I am diehard fan of fantom since 1979
~ Sujoy saha from Kolkata
Hi. Good afternoon. Covid-19 is changing this world irreversibly. Lets hope people understand this.
~ Rajesh Seth from India
Hi, I am an avid Phan and it is great to have a site like this to visit.
~ SD from Kolkata
Hi Good evening. Corona has spread its tentacles everywhere. It seems it is returning in Wuhan. Desperate times.
~ Rajesh Seth from India
hi, Good Afternoon.The lock down has been extended to 1st week of May. Hope it works for all. Stay Safe, Follow distancing.
~ Rajesh Seth from India
Hi Good Morning. The world is still under lock down due to corona pendemic. Singapore to go under strict lockdown from 7th. China seems to be under control,Italy Spain and America in bad shape.
~ Rajesh Seth from India
Loved the website! I have been a fan of The Phantom since I was 12 years old (I an now 62) I do have one question about The 21st Phantom-Whatever happened to his pet Falcon Fraka?
~ Demetri Cassimus from Dallas TX
So the latest couple of series have just been The Phantom doing a Russell Crowe and punchin' 'round the World!
~ Sean from Australia
I've been reading the phantom comics since about 1940
~ donald flanagan from sevierville, tn
I have a collection of Phantom comics going back to the late 40s and into the early 60. Are they worth anything. I also have the full years issue of the cat women, the only year it was publishedl
~ donald flanagan from sevierville, tn
awesome comics!! love the website
~ matthew from caribbean
How do I join? I’ve been a fan of the Phantom since I was very young, and I’m 70 now.
~ Phil Anderson from Arlington, Virginia. USA
hi, Thanks for doing this. how do I become a member? ie aceess the comic strips?
~ S.Sardus from usa
I have ben a Fan for over the past 60yrs and still do. I notice that you made a big boo boo. ot the 15th you show the guy getting arrows in the arm and through his shart and on the 17th you show that the arrows are just going through his arms and not his shart. How did that Happen? But it's still a good story. Keep it comming. Also why is it that we can't get the Comic Book over in the USA. The only way is through the Daley and Sunday Paper? When are you going to do Davil's story? Now Davil has to be atleast 100 now and also Hero? I've seen where Davil is pick up in the snow. But I haven't seen the rest of it. I wish we could get the comic books here. Thank you .
~ Bruce Brock from Gardendale,AL USA
Hi Goood Afternoon. This is the last Sunday of 20019, today. And the last Teen year of the century and our life. Enjoy.
~ Rajesh Seth from India
I have been a fan of The Phantom comic strip since my early teens (I am now 61 years old) I even named my pet Cockateel "Fraka"
~ George Cassimus from Dallas Texas
Been a Phantom fan since I was 7
~ John from Australia
For my money, the Phantom is the best daily comic around. Best written, best drawn--very cinematic and nicely composed panels--and it's even socially meaningful.
~ John shirley from Vancouver Washington
Comics Kingdom have fixed the issues, including full Phantom archives access for Comics Kingdom subscribers.
~ Aman King
Phantom Trail webmaster here. There seems to be an issue with Comics Kingdom for Phantom comic strips. They are looking into it.
~ Aman King
i like the site but at the moment the strips are not appearing just blank screens
~ peter from melbourne
Phantom Trail webmaster here. I was able to fix the technical issue: the comic strips should be available again. Enjoy! Thanks to those who informed me about the issue and also left kind encouraging words on the Guestbook - my vacation is going well (I appreciate my family allowing me a quick break from my vacation break, to fix the website!).
~ Aman King
For those with active Comics Kingdom subscriptions, it appears that full archives have been affected by the recent changes. I will take a look at this issue later (which affects only Comics Kingdom archives, not the recent comics).
~ Aman King
Aman King - such a pleasant surprise to see the comics back. Thank you. Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
~ Diane B from USA
I've have injoyed the Phantom for years. But whu are you starting this stuff. I've been a fan for over 50yrs and This is the only place for me to see him, News Papers today are getting raer to see him in the paper. Now I'v got to miss him.
~ Bruce Brock from Gardendale,AL USA
Comic strips are not opening up
~ Peter Smith from Australia
Can we get an update on the site? Thanks!
~ John from Texas, USA
I have been using The Phantom Trail to follow the Phantom and Mandrake all around for .. i don't remember how many years, but for the last few days the comics are not showing up?
~ Harkant Singh from India
I'm the Phantom Trail webmaster. The site is currently experiencing technical issues. I'm on vacation with limited access to internet but will try to have a look when I can. Please check back once a week. Until then, please view the comics at Thanks for continuing to visit this site!
~ Aman King
Dear Phantom webmaster, Many thanks for all you do to keep the Phantom site up and running. As you can see from the other posts, the Phantom is a popular comic strip. I have been following it for years, not missing an episode. Enjoy your vacation, and please hurry back. We need you!
~ T Young from USA
Aman King - thank you for your note. I'm glad that this site is continuing. I wish you a great vacation.
~ Diane B from USA
I checked in to read today's comic to find that all this week's comics have vanished. (25 October 2019). Changed browsers, moved to my desktop. Same issue. What's up?
~ Joanna Mendelssohn from Sydney, Australia
good strip, thanks...
~ Art Storey
Enjoy the Phantom.
~ Dan
I like the Phantom, Keep up the good work. Thanks.
~ William from Bristol, CT USA
I love the phantom daily comics, I want to see it every day
~ Rolly lamson
Been following the phantom for years great stories
~ Jim from Alabama
Love it ... but the graphics have stopped coming through ... just a little box.
~ Bob from Australia
The daily and Sunday strips are showing up as blank as of Oct. 24. Has something changed?
~ Ronald McConnell from New Jersey, USA
~ Ramji from Palo Alto
Not seeing any comics on the site anymore, how will I know what happened?
~ Jan from Qld Australia
I was wondering why the comics were not available at the same time now, then realised we had started Daylight Saving Time here in Australia (Victoria). :p
~ Sean from Melbourne, Australia
~ Rajesh Seth from India
Phantom fan since I was knee high to a grasshopper over 60 years ago
~ Zed from Central Vic Australia
I enjoy both the Phantom and Mandrake on CK. But I must say the "Prince Valiant" is my all time favorite for over 60 years. My Mother read PV to me every Sunday from the late lamented Philadelphia Bulletin.
~ Clement Taylor from Doylestown, PA USA
When are you people going to get back to the actual story? Or are you on holiday or gone bezerk?
~ Julie from Kingston Jamaica
I've been using this site to view my favorite comic book hero for over 10 years, but recently you've changed it so you can only view one week at a time. I've signed up but again I can only view one week, none of the archived comics. And the graphics changed too...if you compare "Gravelines Prison storyline with Diana Palmer being imprisoned with todays' storyline you can tell how different the graphics are. But I will still keep coming to get my fix! Love the Phantom!
~ Teriann Petti from Massachesetts
I like phantom but it is hard to follow on Comics kingdom since I only get to a computer once in a while. Now I cannot log on here because I cannot see any comments at comics kingdom where I have a paid subscription so I guess I cannot look at comics here anymore. No comments are shown at comicskingdom so you might consider changing your criteria for entry. Goodbye
~ Tom Thermo
Like "The Phantom"
~ John l Fraser from Orange
I love coming here Nd reading the daily's. The Phantom has been one my favorite comic characters since I started reading him over 50 years ago.
~ Charles Marcinko from Valparaiso, Indiana USA
When is the phantom going to start wearing a uniform of state of art woven ballistic fabric like the suits the president wears instead of the current one which lets knives and bullets through. Pretty stupid to wear cotton or wool blend to a knife fight.
~ Graham Gunner from Newcastle NSW AUSTRALIA
I have been reading dailies and Sunday strips but now the site opens. Why ?
~ Krishna Manandhar from Kathmandu, Nepal
Thanks. I was introduced to Phantom in a very funny way, in 1961,may be it was in Class 1 or 2. But seriously in 1966 or 1967 when in class 5, to ward off loneliness of bedrest, Hooked since then.
~ Rajesh Seth from India
Hello, I have come online after three months but am unable to access. Have there been a change?
~ Rajesh Seth from India
love it.
~ charles gravrs from warrior,al.
I have been reading The Phantom since my childhood. It was fascinating and still i feel the same.
~ Dr K K Sarma from India
Been reading The Phantom since it was introduced in my local paper about 65 years ago. It started with birth of the 21st Phantom. As sad as it would make me I believe it is time for the legacy to continue. It is time to start getting ready for the 22nd Phantom. It is his history and I do not want the reboots all others are doing with their characters. You have been allowing Kit and Heloise to age so you must allow The Phantom also.
~ Walter Hutcherson
Love it
~ Walter Hutcherson from United States
I have a Facebook account and this won't let me log in. I also have a Comics Kingdom account for years. Can I get set up please?
~ Walt Busch from St Louis MO
I'm having the same trouble Trevor had below signing up for The Phantom Trail. It doesn't allow me to sign up with my Facebook account (the same error message that Trevor mentioned)and I can't find an alternative way to join. Is there a way to sign up on the site without involving a Facebook account? Thanks, Belstone.
~ Belstone
I read Phantom in the Miami News as a child. I discovered the strip on-line as an adult a picked up where I left off. Until yesterday, April 13, 2019, I enjoyed the daily respite from political commentary The Phantom provided.
~ Richard Massey
I have read this comic for 50 years, now you bring Donald Trump into it . up your ass, I'M done. he is the best president we ever had .
~ terry fitch from home
One of the first comic strips I viewed, even before I could read.. and that is over 60 years ago, and today I may have read my last. Comics are for dreams... Politics is the real life we escape from .. even if it's just a few moments! Shame on YOU!
~ Fred Johnson from home
why cant I join FB keeps telling me Login Failed: You can't use Facebook to log into this app or website because there's an issue with its implementation of Facebook Login.
~ Trevor Hallewell from Queensland Australia
Love the Phantom been reading the comics since I was very young I also read the strips in the newspapers like the current daily strips
~ Edward Pickering from Sydney Australia
For the past two years I have been reading the Phantom dailies and Sundays. I first discovered it around 1970, when I was a 6 year old kid learning to read. My sister urged me to read comics, they're easy reading and the pictures help to understand the story. I loved the Phantom immediately, especially the occasional re-telling "For those who came in late." So glad to see him still going strong. And I love how Heloise has stepped into her legacy!
~ ED from US
Wish there was Phantom in Canada but thats what the internet is for I guess.
~ John from Kitchener, Ontario Canada
I've been enjoying Phanthom for more years than I want to admit. It never gets old..thank you
~ Violet from Boston, Massachusetts
As one of those that have come in late. I just noticed something that peeved me for years about reading the last 7 strips on KFS in that. Here, you can read down without having to scroll down then up to read them in order there. It is so much more enjoyable not to have to do that. Thanks to whoever did that, My hat is off to them.
~ Allan from Philippines
Good seeing the Phantom's daughter "KICK THE ASS OF THE EVIL"
~ Bill Phelan from Sacramento, Ca.
I’ve been watching the Phantom for has long as I’ve lived and if you are changeing and preparing us for a woman Phantom. That’s the last time I will read the comic!
~ Ann
Good work,keep it up!
~ Asuke from Kenya
Pretty sure Aman is the 22nd Phantom
~ Blake Rogers
Great site! Missed 7/22 in Columbus Dispatch and this caught me up. Glad I Duck Ducked Phantom Comic and found this.
~ David Lee Martin from Pennsville , Ohio
Great site
~ Richard Tier
I have beed reading the Phantom since childhood. back then the comic strip was published in a polsh newspaper in Buffalo,New York.I was fortunate to meet my other hero The Lone Ranger/Clayton Moore.I still watch him on the Western channel.
~ Stan from Marietta,Georgia.
the phantom is the most macho superhero ever.My dad introduced me to the comics.phantom is the first and best superhero forever.Awesome site this is.
~ Noel from chennai
I just want to know if the Phantom every fought with The Black Panther or crossed path in Africa.
~ Elton from Boston, MA
The Phantom was my idol as a small child. What he represents today is still my ideals.
~ donald flanagan from Sevierville, Tn.
Love the Ghost Who Walks! Met him when aged 8 years and he has stayed with me ever since. Verily they say "You never find the Phantom, he finds you."
~ Adam
Great to see this strip again, as a kid from the Forties ,The Phantom , by Lee Fulk , was great , Memories Rush Back again of my Mom reading it to me.
~ Jack Trail
What gives with all of the negative comments? I think the Phantom strip is great. Let's not forget that it is a comic strip. I have fond memories of my childhood reading Phantom, Mandrake, Prince Valiant, Dick Tracy, Blonde, etc. In any event, keep up the good work. I really appreciate your efforts. Happy holidays and God bless.
~ Ralph W. Bleiler from eastern PA
I just wanted to thank you for this brilliant site because it's great to be able to see the strips organized into weeks and also entire continuities.
~ Jeremy
I love the Phantom. Have done since I was about 10 years old. I still follow it in the daily newspapers.
~ Krissy from Australia
Great website. Can always catch up if I miss a strip. Big tick!
~ Kris Taylor
Super, great to see Phantom still going long may he stay!
~ Kris Taylor
Great work. Love it. Thanks. -Anbumani
~ Anbumani from Bangalore
Thanks Babudan. 21st Phantom lives.
~ P.Sreekumara Varma
Good work.
~ chris from usa
Great work!
~ Shakti Pada Paul from India
Awesome work buddy... I had grown up with the Phantom, in the Bengali newspaper, Anandabazaar Patrika, since I when I cant remember! I seemed to have always known him. Even before I knew how to read and write, I saw Phantom on the newspaper strips, and when I started reading the Indrajal Comics in colour, I thought, Hey, I know Phantom for ever!U brought back Phantom to be after all these yrs. Its just like visiting an old friend, my hero. Its just like flippin thru the pages of the Indrajal comics.Keep up the gr8 work man.
~ Santanu Ghose from Calcutta, India
Great work!
~ C Govindan Kutty from Kottayampoil, India
I have been a fan of PHANTOM and MANDRAKE since childhood. Was missing the Heroes for quiet some time. But thanks to You, I am now in contact with Phantom. I am Still missing Mandrake. Hope his daily comic strip starts soon. Well done
~ Sanjay Pathare from Kolhapur, Maharashtra State, India
Hello friend, u done a nice job ......... i like ur site very much ..... and later on i try to give u some info on Aronnadev ... take care, better & better
~ SAYEED from Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Nice site. Brought back fond memories of those days when we would eagerly await the next issue of Indrajal. It seems, however, Mr Walker has put on some weight with time. He looks plump and seem to be making an effort in dealing with adversaries.
~ Shyamal Baran Roy from Kolkata, India
Nice site! Thanks for the links to Diamond comics.
~ Aaron Bias from Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A.
Mandrake comics are not rendering in full. Please load the complete picture.
~ Eswaran
Mandrake strips are loading irregularly. Only partial gif visibile under Vista IE 7.
~ Eswaran from India
Camping at Riyadh, KSA like to participate in the discussion about The first legendary comics hero,Lee Falk's "The Phantom".
~ S.Rafeeq Ahmed from Trichy, India
I notice that about 20 of you Mandrake strips are not all there. most in april by one last week
~ dave m from USA
Deepwoods rock man. I follow daily comics of Phantom and mandrake from here
~ Sarath from India
Hi ;)
~ Anndorian from Romania
I liked the site.
~ dhyuman from india
The Phantom. YEAH!
~ Blake from Hamilton, On. Canada
me a great phan of the Ghost Who Walks.need all and never ending phacts and phictions about the man who can not die
~ shalendra bishwa from labasa , fiji
Great work! I have a collection of phantom comics which are out of print now. I used to get Indrajal comics during my school days when the annual subscription was Rs.26/- . I have preserved many of them , well bound.
~ sudeep menon from Kerala,India
Im a fan of phantom comics
~ srinivas from india
Thank you for this excellent page! Keep up good work! Eh.. I can't speak english very well, so i can't say more... But your site is Perfect!
~ Daevos from Oulu, Finland
Hi Aman..I was having a 'Ghost' introduction with you through other 'Phans'.I appreciate your efforts for developing up this site as the major attraction oy your site is Phantom/Mandrake Dailies in color.Keep it up Buddy
~ Comic Guy from India
Great Site brother, i saw ur name aman and link in the sitethere are more indrajaal and phanthom stuff in blogspot.commore scans and stuff which revives our memories from late seventies and eighties.still miss the indrajaal era but glad eggmont is doing a good job with their phanthom reply dear webmasterram
~ Ramnarayan Iyer from New Delhi, India
Frnd, 1stly i thnx u 4 bringing these phantom/mandrake on-line....But, the mandrake strips seems 2 b not uploaded 4 a lomg while, the story paused at a very interesting ,can u plse upload them/ And thnx once again. Bye,Sagnik
~ sagnik from Kolkata, INDIA
Frnd, 1stly i thnx u 4 bringing these phantom/mandrake on-line....But, the mandrake strips seems 2 b not uploaded 4 a long while (last on 12th apr.), the story paused at a very interesting ,can u plse upload them/ And thnx once again.
~ sagnik from Kolkata, INDIA
please add another link:
~ saurabh from india
the phantom is the best
~ -
Good site : looking for Phantom site to buy Phantom stuff
~ Ghost from Australia
thankx any groups?
~ suryamohan from india tamil nadu
As a kid I read most of the Phantom Comics. I am still a fan of The Ghost Who Walks.The Phantom never dies.
~ Anil Maskeri from Mumbai,India
this would be a nice place to vist but when you can't see anything because of the adversenent then why come back to it. I can't even see what I'm typing
~ marc from muskegon, mi USA
presently i'm in new york,still nostalgic about indrajal comics ,got good collection of indrajal comics treasured.i think like phantom i'll pass it on to next generation.beautiful website ,my full points to the brain bvehind it,i can see the liking behind it ,good work
~ dildeep from bhilai,chattisgarh,india
Great work!
~ Charles from Rockhampton Australia
Aman, Thank you for reviving the strip. I am getting my daily fix because of you. I hope you also do the magic to the mandrake strip. You are Da King of Deep woods....
~ phantom fan from anytown usa
Mandrake and Phantom were two favorite comics when I was a boy. Glad to see them again. Thanks, too, for finding a way to keep them current, especially Mandrake.
~ Arthur Fox from Middletown, Pa
Hi Aman,Live long and Prosper,Lex
~ Lex from Planet X
Keep it up!
~ NandaKumar from chennai @ India
Cool site. One of the few Phantom pages around!
~ Jeff Freeman from Stillwater, USA
Thanks for the informative site.
~ Charles from Rockhampton Australia
Good work.
~ -
Great Job Aman,really wonderful.Nice to know that there are other Phantom Fans out there.......I have been a great fan and have lots of Phantom Comics........I treasure them.... :-)You keep up the Good Work.
~ Sreekar Pal from Hyderabad,India
Awesome sight and awesome work done ... i too am a fellow phantom fan and had collected quiet a few books before i lost all of them .. i keep searching for any old issues as well and the link to view the comics online is awesome ... thanks a million
~ Flavian from Mumbai India
Keep it up!
~ Murlio from SanDiego,CA.USA
Hi, Very good site. I appreciated reading it. Thank you
~ John Doecke from Berri. South Australia
Excelent Site.I can get a daily dose of online Phantom.I thought the craze for Phantom, Mandrake died with Indrajal comics...... seems like old days are back.Keep the flame alive.Cheers
~ Karthik DT from Bangalore , India
I am glued to your website. Thanks a lot for creating this page.
~ Anna from London
I liked the site.
~ Indranil Bose from Assam India
Aman bhai...where are you yaar? I started the project in April, but havent heard from you. Please check
~ TheComicProject from India
I love Phantom, It is the best comic I've read.I like it because it's enigmatic ,historical , & natural
~ Anoop from Kottayam India
Very nicely Made Site!! Authentic Data and loads of Info!!! I Like it!
~ Arvind Kumar from Delhi, India
Hello again Aman.I really enjoy your website, you have done a wonderful job. While I'm here, I want to tell you about another great website (it is not my own). As you have probably read on the Deepwoods phorum, this site contains lots of articles and some interviews. The name of this Norwegian site is: I hope it's okay with a litte spam here:-)Anyway, I will be truly honored if a phan like you visited the site, which has an English menu. Perhaps you already have.Have a very nice day, and keep up your good workSteffenLast time we met, you called me Bill:-)
~ Steffen Hope from Norway
Very good job Aman.Just keep up the good work. I am gonna keep coming back.
~ Ajay from Kolkata
i like this site!i am a fan phantom!phantom... forever!...
~ ciro balzano from casoria (Napoli) Italy
hi Aman i like ur site ..keep working
~ Arindam De from Kolkata
Man this is great. thought I was the craziest Phan around but you take the cake. This musta taken u real long to compile. Love the chronicles. How didja get ur hands on them? When do we see more from the earlier Phantoms? I have a huge collection btw.... If you need any info mail me. All the best dude and keep up the good work
~ Derek from Chennai - India
Hi Aman - loved ur poems. Kep it up ull go far. Love ur Phantom site 2.
~ Derek from Chennai - India
Great site!! Its wonderful to see such a fan site for the Greatest Hero ever. Please keep up the good work. I can see coming back again and again.Thank You for the best Phantom site I've seen.
~ Fan from USA
Hej, Aman.Excellent page with a lot of interesting phantom-ia. I'll be back... and that's a promise, not a threat. :)Med vnlig hlsning/Lub
~ Lub from the phorum from Mohagen, Sverige
Hi Aman!A great Phantom site, with very much information!I enjoyed playing your Phantom game: Mr Walkers Last Mile!Keep up the good work!
~ Jon Ove Storhaug from Norway
Hi Aman!You did great site! Care for it!Fehmi
~ Fehmi Ardali from Munich/Germany
I liked this.thank you for putting a website in name of my grand dad.Here by i give the swastika mark for this website.this website is phantoms friend. The Phantom Ghost who walks Guardian of Eastern Dark
~ 23rd Phantom from Bangala,India
This site is excellent.Pls. make sure that this site is shown in the first page in the search engine when we search for Phantom.My hats off to all who could make this site.
~ Madhu from CHENNAI/INDIA
like reading about the phantom great web
~ paul nunziato from usa
Have been looking for the Indrajal Phantom comics for a long time. I had a lot, but lost them a few years ago. Planning to scan them all. Any idea where it will be available?
~ T.Venkatachalam from India
Syrus was going to buy my collection before his tragic death
~ Jane Duderstadt from San Antonio, Texas USA
i thought i was phantoms biggest fan, but u deserve the title. keep up the good work.
~ SYRUS from mumbai, india
Great Work. Keep it up.
~ Aliz from India
I'm so glad to know that there are other Indian kids who love Phantom as much as I do. Great site! Keep up the good work.
~ Sumithra from Chennai,India
Hi ! I'm plugging , above , my Spider-Man site , at Dlphi !
~ - from San Francisco , CA , USA !
Thanks for all the help with my many, many, many Phantom questions Aman! You are a good man!
~ David Sanders from Ambridge, USA
Great work!
~ ahhafan from Columbus Ohio Usa
great show! keep it up!
~ Nagarajan from Secundrabad, India
Saudades do Fantasma, no existe mais por aqui. S na web.
~ Claudio Viola from Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
cool site
~ Oisin from queensland
Lovely site.. lots of stuff... Simply Great.. Now for my query... My dad subscribed to and collected Indrajal Comics from day 1. I first lay my hands on the huge stack when i was bout 6. sadly, he sold out the entire pile after i had been thru it once or so. Ever since, i have been tryin to collect the Indrajals, mainly Phantoms n Mandrakes, from wherever I can.. I NEED HELP AND ADVICE.. PLEASE..
~ jesal from Mumbai, India
You have created a very beautiful home page...a delight for the ears as well as the eyes. Your poetry, that I have read to date, is most interesting and clever. Good luck. (Do you remember Rejoys from WTB?R?...she gave me your link.
~ Judith from Florida, USA
Hi,I was just browsing through net & came across your site . It's great. Being an Indian Pahntom-phan, I thought you may beinterested in a pahntom/Batman art. It's on this link: check out the 11th May update. Bye for now & take care.-yusuf madhiya
~ Yrumad from chennai, INDIA
~ sudhendra from Rochester Hills, MI, USA
Great Job!! Can you post scanned comic books on your website? Can we talk to publishers for copyrights etc.?
~ Pranay from Logan, US
Aman , I have plugged your site , at the Yahoo! group , No Superheroes Allowed , which I co-host , when I wrote about Mandrake !
~ Walter L. from SF , CA , USA
I was/am an earnest fan of this Super Hero. No other Comic Hero can replace this character of Lee Falk. I would like to contact all the persons (fans/admirers) having the Old Numbers of Phantom Comics.
~ P.M.Balaji from Hyderabad & India
I love your homepage. Visit mine. You can read my articles, and my interactive novel, and look at my fantasy art.'m going to have children with a woman who signed your guestbook.
~ Jeffery Winkler from Hanford, California, USA
As a Phantom Phan and collector, I found the site very interesting and informative.
~ Tony Whitten from Townsville, Australia
Love the site and will visit more often.Have a nice day.Regards,Kit.
~ Kit Walker from Hammondville,NSW,Australia
This is a good site , and I've visited here before , but , I will admit that I am just wondering if something has happened to Guran ( Bryan Shedden )'s Deep Woods site ! I haven't been able to get to it for the last 3 or so days , now , today , connects me to some , completely non-Phantom-related , commercial site ! I'm just trying to find out , and , since I'm relativel not all that connected to Pahntom fandom - really , Bryan's site has been my main link - I'm trying any place that seems likely ! To repeat myself , don't take this as a put-down of your , fine , site , which I'll visit agin , and find interesting . Hey , are you nable to get the Spider-man daily now ? I myself have a Yahoo! group ( Not an independent site , do I have to apologize for that ? ) for the Spider-Man daily strip , " The Spider Syndicates " , . Thank you !
~ Walter Loyd Lilly from San Francisco , U. S. A.
I should add that I've been able to re-establish contact with Guran's site , at this point . Thank you !!!!!!!
~ W. L. Lilly from SF , US
Very interesting site - meticulously done.
~ Kerry from Miami, FL, USA
I like the phantom alot and found this interisting.
~ Sarah from perth
Hey, join my forum, it's neat! AND it's a Phantom forum!
~ Jon Harald Sby from Norway
Simply superb... a great deal of info on Phantom... i wanted to create a web site just like this... but now that i have seen this, i dont think i need to create another.... i m a web developer.. let me know if u need technical assistance of any kind.. i'll be pleased to offer any help i can... keep up the fabulous work.!!!!!
~ Ajit Dharmik from Nagpur, India
Great Phantom Website. I think the Phantom is the best comic book hero ever. Take Care.-Chris
~ Chris from USA
Nice site I like it I will visit regularly.Thank you.
~ Kit Walker from Hammondville,NSW,Australia.
great work on phantom.regards,Sagar
~ Sagar from Mumbai, India
niceeeeeeeeee. Will message you on yahoo. Bye
~ sanpreet minhas from calgary, canada
Very good. I love it. I always come here to read the online comics that you have placed on the web page.
~ Jermayn Parker from Geraldton Australia
This is one of best websites of The Phantom
~ Anshuman Jakhmola from India
HiCool website! I love Fantomen (The Phantom). Bye Erik
~ Erik Engberg from Skelleftea Sweden
Great site! I searched for some weeks to find online strips from Phantom and Mandrake (and Flash Gordon up to the 90s) and finally found your site which has at least a few years of Phantom and some Mandrake. Thanks for that! I've been a fan of the three mentioned strips since they ran in our local newspaper, when I was a child. Alas they dropped them in 1972, so I had a long hard time searching for new (and old adventures). I'm still looking for most of the old dailies (especially the 60s and 70s), but I'm more confident than ever, that I will eventually get to know all stories. Keep on the good work with your site, I will drop in at least 2 or 3 times a weeks.Cheers,Bernd
~ Bernd Timmermann from Oldenburg, Germany
I just like you to know that I have put ups om classic Lee Falk Phantom stories on my page. Take a look.Original language.
~ Ivan Pedersen from Norway
Hi! Good work.. Don't know how have you done your art work.. But its good.. Keep that up.. Do you have any knowledge of digital art.. Start it!! You can win !! All the best.... Anjan
~ Anjan Pathak from London
Thanks for all your hard work for putting up this wonderful sight.this takes me back to my childhood. Please don't let me grow up.I LOVE/WORSHIP THE PHANTOM (VAITAAL in Hindi). Well that's what Inderjal comics used to call Him, and I only know him by Vaitaal.Why don't you use the name vaitaal as well.Devil was called SHERA, Hero was called TOOFAAN and so on.Give it some thoght.ThankyouRana
~ Mohinderpal Singh Sarang from Leeds, Britain
Man, your website rocks! Especially the Chronicles!*The Phantom is Dead! Long live the Phantom!*
~ Mithun Jacob from Kuwait
Impressive! Please keep this site alive !
~ Jim
H-hey my old friend!!! How have ya been? I've often wondered how you were faring... Give me a call in cyberspace eh?
~ Matthew from Middle U.S.
EXCELLENT SITE -- and Happy Birthday, Phantom [2/16/02]!
~ SL
Great site you have here. Thanks a million for the daily comics strip section. i have been reading Phantom comics for some 18 years now. i have almost all the issues of indrajal comics from 1978 onwards. i have also most of the diamond and egmont comics featuring phantom and mandrake. if you need any information please contact. Siddharth
~ Siddharth Das from Bhubaneshwar, India
HiLooks like you have a great WEB about the Phantome here. A lot of interesting stuf. I like to dropp in from time to time.If any of you do read Norwegian, take a look at my page about "Fantomet".The pictures is international you know.Ivan
~ Ivan Pedersen from Norway
Great site I will be visiting your site a lot from now on.Regards,Kit.
~ Kit Walker from Hammondville,NSW,Australia
Hello! I'm also a big phantom fan! And I'm looking for a trainee-place. And thought it would be great to do a traine at the phantom paper in India! Don't you think? Do you have any ide where I should look to get information about the Phantom in India?? // Kind regards Tina
~ Tina C from Visby, sweden
hi,thank you so much for having a huge archive of phantom comic strips on your site. i have enjoyed reading them the past few days.i wish u had more back issues. phantom is one of my all time favourite comic and i was so glad to find them here. keep up this great work.thank us
~ srimathi from u.s
It's the greatest site,what I've never seen!!!It's more wonderful than words can tell.You're the greatest webmaster in the World!With lovely wishes DebbieP.S.I'm so sorry for my English.
~ Deborah Delton from Ufa-Russia
Hi,You have a great site. I view it daily for the comic strip. Is it possible that U actually have some phantom comics , if so Scan them and put on your web site on daily basis..say one page at a would be fun..
~ John from Mumbai, India
need more phantom info.
~ Neil from india
cool, i am a big fan of all three comics
~ Thomas Thalakottur from United States of America
Great site about Phantom. Keep it up! Loads of info. I added it in my Favs. Yes, I was sorry not to see any references to Indrajaal Comics, the actual publisher and in my opinion the organisation behind this success of Phantom (Vetal...Chalta Phirta Pret) in India. Just for the information, Indrajaal Comics was part of Times of India or Indian Express (I am not too sure which one) publication.
~ Binay Kumar Pandey from Delhi - India
great site, enjoyed reading the "chronicles" phantom head peak was carved by michealangelo as suggested by previous guest. although mention is only made of this in a very few storiesand many more do state that it was a work of nature. I disagree with Vir's comment - the Phantom has not walked his last mile!best wishesDave
~ Dave from Perth Australia
Excellent collection. reminds me of the good ol times with Indrajal Comics. UR comic strip collection is great but I want to start from the begining and dont know what date to use. Tried a few and got Javascript errors. can U let me know the start and end date of UR collection?thanks and keep up the great work.rams
~ RAMS from USA
G'day Aman,Just dropped in for a look. Enjoyed your site and will visit often. Regards Jon
~ Jon Cookson from Rockhampton, Australia
Only one problem with the site, Aman, the information in "The Phantom's Country" about "Phantom Head Peak". It is not a work of nature but a gift from Emperor Joonakar I believe, designed by Michalangelo. Correct me if I'm wrong with any of those names but from memory, that is what is it. Great site otherwise!
~ miss tagama from Syd, Australia
Hi AmanThanks for browsing our site, and signed our guest book.Very soon you will find our site in english.Would you like to trade brazilian Fantasma comics, we have the news and old, and figures.In return you will send us some egmont India comics.
~ Dedy Edson from So Paulo/Brazil
Excellent Work done. Keep it up.
~ Mrs. Karuna Bhatia from Noida, India
Avid phantom fan.
~ vineeth abraham from New Delhi
A beautifully created site. Well done!! Keep it up!!
~ Sudeep Banerjee from Lucknow, INDIA
hi Aman,i felt like signing to tell you that it's definitely one of the cutest sites on the web that i have come across!really!Phantom is of course a part of my happiest childhood memories too...!! your sketches are adorable, keep it up:)(Why dont you try the tree- house too , though(and Luther should be fun to draw , right?:):):))best wishes!
~ leema from jorhat, india
Hi, dig your site, I was in Mangalore in 1974....I am looking for a head sketch of "The Ghost" for my 12 year old boys (Luke and Peter's) sailing boat...called "The Ghost Who walks". A friend of mine can reproduce it as a transfer to apply to the hull.Bye .....Mick
~ Michael Cowen from Adelaide, South Australia
Remember us???
~ Balachandran Nair from Toronto, Canada
Spoke to Aman, Looking for Phantom Phan,s from around the World, who would be interested in Exchanging Phantom Comics from there country for Australian ones, If interested, drop me a line. Merv Mc
~ Merv Mc Donald from Yarloop; Western Australia